Saturday 26 May 2012

Hard times with Harder Feelings

Second post guys! Earlier in the morning now not much time before church so maybe ima keep it simple... or just shoot it all out later... Meh. We'll see how it goes.
First thing on my mind is of course projects,holy shit all the projects are starting to weigh down on me, especially DSS we ALL LOVE DSS(Decision Supplimentary Spreadsheets, AKA EXCEL!). The Problem Based Learning is a pain in the butt i don't get why NO ONE in the course has gotten an answer yet, we have been trying and trying and trying SO GOD DAMN HARD and yet...Nothing just the damn minibus staring back in our face and giggling we have like 14 more hours to submission and dashing like crazy to try to answer the question... Fuck that shit seriously, but yea i have to complete the rest of the DSS assignments totally NOT looking forward to finishing that crap in the world. The other projects are better and not as stressful but they all still have deadlines and once again DSS FUCK YOU _|_!

Had an awesome day yesterday, awoken to Dino's call asking me to go to Expo! Was super looking forward to it but then her bro decided not to go, so we ended up not going but she did say one funny thing! "Then after Expo can go your house study!" or somewhere along those lines! It was hilarious cause her BF didn't allow her to do that and i chortled for quite a bit whilst she was oblivious and we talked a little then we put down. Only minutes later she called back and i could imagine the flushed look on her embarrassed face when she told me she just spoke to her BF!(BC^3) HAHA! Oh well it was funny while it lasted, talked a little more then put down. I also got to speak to her bro for the first time and he was nice(just like she said he would be) and we had a friendly little chat for awhile too.

Moving on, in short the day at Dino's house was FANTASTIC, we lepaked, ate, talked, laughed, watched videos and really enjoyed ourselves.(Although it was supposed to be a study session x.x) But in the end we did manage to accomplish some work and i threw IBE and the Stats Project out of the window, so at least we accomplished something! Dino made a wallpaper for us two yesterday too :) Was awesome cute although she called me a gay Dino T.T But oh well. That was most of what happened yesterday that was good.

However when we went to dinner with her bro we were eating and her brother made a passing comment about how nice i was and how Dino should get together with me, we laughed about it and then i told Dino that Brother West didn't get the ASCO post and she was shocked(so was i i thought she knew) to find out the results. So she called her BF and as they talked we 3 together told him about the passing comment, and god knows bad news and jokes DO NOT mix well! WHOO! And then she talked to him later on when we got back to her house after dinner but i felt MISERABLE! Sure i mean it wasn't my fault this time but hell when your one of the involved parties it doesn't matter if it was really your fault it EATS INTO YOU and it seemed like everytime me and Dino were together we always have fun but then something always happens that bugs Brother West, I just wish it didn't keep happening, this my happiness vs their happiness thing is like bleh, and really bugging me, sure it's not always me but why does it always seem to happen when we two are alone? It gets really annoying after sometime.

Anyway after i left Dino's house after watching half of Aces go Places(HK comedy of an investigation), i was really exhausted and had lots on my mind but i still slept on the bus. When i got back to West Plaza i saw a couple of my PR buddies(or rather most of my only PR buddies) drinking and chatting so i joined them for a bit, had a bottle but as i was talking to them my mind kept floating around all the problems, still bought food back to eat(I tend to eat a lot more when I think on top of what i already usually eat which is a lot for a SG kia.). Then i thought back about the day, did i enjoy myself? Sure of course i did but why, why is it always that their relationship is bugging me? It's not really my problem is it? But I just keep getting caught in this triangle and it seems the pushing and pulling keeps happening. I don't really know but whatever it is, this thing is still bugging the hell out of me now. Honestly it's not really my problem but i keep feeling guilty whenever i see that they have problems concerning me...

No friend of the day today! Cause there wasn't any school and i only saw two people today, Dino and her bro and obviously cause Dino cant be FOTD it would be her bro! He's an awesome person hope to be able to get to know him better as time goes on, nothing wrong with having more good friends right!

On a side thought i asked Dino about her Blog Post of her future and she thought about it awhile, i also happened to think about mine too, i mean honestly what do i want to do when i grow up? What are my goals? In sec 4 my mind would be totally blank but surprisingly in a short span of only 6 months i already am planning out the rest of my life. Business wise i really want to set up an FnB joint. My sisters could help out too cause my eldest sis wants to set up and ice cream parlor and my second sis wants to help out in the cafe/restaurant too! Life-wise I just want a wife with three kids, I know how difficult it will be but yea that's the way I want it to be. I will live in a 4 room HDB the typical Singaporean flat or maybe a bit smaller but that's the biggest i would go because I really want my kids to think im not that financially rich and get them to be more thrifty and unlike me not start saving only when they hit 17, these values work much better when they are introduced to you at a tender young age. I don't need a wife that is pretty or cute or anything that has to concern with external beauty, you know what kind of wife i would really want? Someone who has the purest heart and is loving and caring, cheesy as it may sound it's true. Why would i want a beautiful wife that hurts me all the time? That was what attracted me to Brother North(a girl :P) at first, it wasn't her looks or anything like that it was her heart and her caring! Anyway i know i will spend my first years of the workforce slogging it out, just like when i was in Seafood Paradise but whatever i already know the kind of shit they throw part timers and new comers i just have to tank it out and wait for the better days to come.

Oh well Hard times with Harder Feelings, I just feel sad that whenever me and Dino are alone together we always accidentally hurt Brother West and.... sometimes i think Dad is just right, he.... just makes everything that is hard sound so true that it bugs me to bits...

Oh well my Final quote as always i keep having quotes in my head sorry guys if you guys don't like it! You can close the page or scroll past it.

"All right now, I haven't learnt my lesson well, you see you can't please everyone but is it right to please only yourself?"-Me

Peace out people :)

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