Thursday 31 May 2012

No Rest for the Weary

In a kind of negative mood guys maybe won't write as much as usual! But i will try to manage :)

Today was a dull day at school so i really have nothing much to say about it, DSS was boring as hell, even for the discussion of the idea once i had given my idea everyone just pretty much said okay, which really makes me feel the group is dead thanks to my mistake and everyone giving up(I will explain later) Marc still seems kinda not happy with me but what the hell its not for me to worry about anyway if he is upset then let him be i won't give a shit or remember about the mistakes i do and regret cause i can't change them i just learn from it move on AND not repeat it again. But bleh explain it later. For DSS we were supposed to create a company from scratch, estimate profits/losses, staff, practically everything for PBL 1 and MORE added on like it makes things ANY EASIER! Seriously DSS just stabbed us in the heart in PBL 1 and now they are like "HERE! HERES SALT TO ADD TO YOUR WOUND I HOPE IT HELPS!" FUCK NO IT DOESN'T GRAH omg i can't believe the teachers can be so heartless about this kind of things =.= Anyway back to it after i gave my idea the group pretty much didn't want to discuss we were dead the only people who were really looking at it was Dino and T^2, they asked a couple of questions but besides that zilch, i mean we did look at other companies but Marc seemed like.. Not bothered anymore and Zach was looking through other ideas but didn't really care. Grah maybe it's just me but DSS sucked bad for my group and I hope I can motivate them to get better at it. Bro West was upset today anyway since we are on the topic of DSS cause his laptop isn't very good atm he couldn't finish half of the quiz and ended up getting frustrated, but at least he is going to get to a new laptop so hopefully its a LOT better and he can finish his work smoothly now :)!

School aside, after class Bro West Dino, My other half of DnD, C Gal, C Guy and I went to eat Teochew porridge WHOO sorry no pics for you guys later u guys get hungry and rage me HAHAHA! :P Enjoyed it lots and at $6++ per person i thought it was pretty okay, the food wasn't SUPER good but the ambiance of the few of us gathered there. We talked a little about MAEC too but not much we could do there since we still haven't gotten our question... Can't wait for Monday though can see DnD 2's house hehe i love going to new houses and explore :P!

Everyday brings a new experience as they say! Today's friend of the day or rather NEW friend of the day is CJ! What a shock it was after i had a lengthy conversation with him, it brought me to a new insight of CJ and made me realise what he was thinking and why he was reacting the way he does in life! He was rather sad back in Pri/Sec school and i can understand his pain cause he experienced similar things to me in Pri School and i really get why he got so pissed off that time when we talked about him behind his back. Anyway sad things aside we both talked about our life in secondary school and again i babbled on about how COMPETITIVE mine was omg it is like 10x worse than my course even though it is already competitive enough as it is. I just remember all about how me, JW , HE , NJ ,Francis , GIANT , Chris , Win Tan , Ryan , Jireh and the rest of 2-2 struggled through... Good times in 2-2 i miss it actually the fun, the laughter and how relaxed we were and none of that back stabbing rubbish... GOING OFF TOPIC! Back to CJ we talked very openly on the bus and then when we got off to change the bus guess what? Cause we were so caught up with getting off at BG we got off and then crossed the overhead bridge to the otherside, another sidetrack the lift there is FREAKING NOISY OKAY SUPER NOISY, it goes TEEE TEEE TEEE TEEE TEEE when you hold the close button and no its not soft its like FREAKING LOUD like a dog barking in your ear or a kid crying "FEED ME FEED ME". Bleh haha! Besides after we went over we were like "OH YA! The BG bus stop renovating must go other bus stop... Eh wait.." Thats when we realised whenever we saw each other in the morning it was at that bus stop and we had to take from the opposite side where we just crossed from! We laughed quite a bit about it and continued chatting about our lives. But most of his things were sad :( Heartbreaking but as it is confidential it will not appear here :) Sorry peepos!!! If you know me IRL then you can ask me! But you still got to be close to me!!! :DD(Hint hint at a certain someone!!! LOL)

Okay i missed a couple of days of blogging but yesterday sucked quite bad for me. Remember about the DSS i was talking about? Yea we pretty much did okay for the presentation then for the QnA, GG screwed totally cept T^2, the project outline? I forgot to print it WHEE MARKS FLY! And Marc seemed geniunely pissed off yesterday although it was better today! IBE was AWESOME LOL I got 16/20 i thought would only get like 13~15 lidat! Ada and I talked after the quiz and we were like, "Skim through the notes only right... HAHA!" then we both got the same score somemore! Goes to show me and Ada really understand what it means to be in such a sian sec school environment looks like not only me and Dino were stuck in an environment that we didn't really love.

Moving on, I remember Dino looking like crap yesterday while studying for DSS at first didn't disturb her when we were at the first LT but then she was like "GRAHHHH" and like "FUCKKKK" so when we moved over, I went over and looked at her study. I just felt that my presence there might calm her down, and she did slightly but she stressed like hell when our lecturer came in with the tests! Oh well but she did better than me in the end :O but she did wake up at 3! So she deserved it for putting so much effort in! Just worried that she gets stressed so easily :( I wish i could just lend more than my presence to calm her down I just suck at teaching people how to deal with stress! I mean i just throw mine all away LOL how can I advice people how to deal with stress when I'm not doing it right!! SORRY DINO BUDDY! D:

Which reminds me, yesterday was even more horrible cause i felt like crap for the DSS presentation, and not because i was nervous it was because i was sick as hell and like puked in the morning, i didn't really want Dino to worry but I was so worried i might pass my sickness to her that i tried not to stick to her too much! But she still sat next to me so much yesterday! Hope she is not feeling unwell :(! Oh and puking in the toilet bowl? Really not a good experience, dammit i really should have drank two days ago!!!@@@ Now i can't blame alcohol for making me puke :((( Been drinking a little too often lately but meh it'll stop after papers when i start to find all the people I love and care about to go OUT! WHOO. IPCC group!~ iMedia Group!~ and DINO AND TT WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Can't wait for wed to be OVER.

Anyway SHOPPING WHOO! Can't wait to go find for new clothes~! I really want to get a shirt that is for casual wear i have too many T-Shirts and I'm beginning to "mature" in clothes selections and i really want more shirts and polos i hope Mummy will let me get more stuff!!! :))))

Well HE-Man is coming over to sleepover now! Can't wait for him to come I MISS HIM LIKE HELL!!! Haven't talked to him much recently and even when i have was only a short period of time :( Nevermind got the whole of tonight to do it! Spy is really awesome!(NOT SPY AS IN PUO YEN! Although he is awesome too HAHA!) Cause he really is the one who is super patient with me and hilarious, and he appreciates me as a friend one of the only few people like that currently in IBZ, Sec School and Pri school.

For Pri school? Only 2 people really do it in my opinion DSZS95 and KC!~ Sec school has more, HE , JW , Shaun and a few more that i don't really want to name. Poly has T^2 and Dino so far but I hope Czar and CJ will get far closer to me! On this note I feel like I'm fading away from Bel maybe it's me but I am totally goanna put in more effort to try to get back on his good side! I really want him as a buddy not cause he is popular, not cause he is a great person, but because he is Bel. He just is!

Oh well what I'm thinking about now? Actually it's the time I spend with Dino, I just can't get over how fun it is, we don't do the crazy stuff I did sometimes in Sec school but really, I just enjoy how personal we are, I mean not contact wise but it just feels that everytime we talk, our hearts touch and it makes me feel warm inside. I haven't really had that feeling ever before, I haven't trusted someone so much before after THAT PERSON left, and I really feel Dino Lion Piggy Bestie has really helped me forget about her and about the other side of me. It has just... Left my thoughts, my studying is so much more calming now since I have no stress and I just hope I can help her more, sometimes I just feel useless when she needs help but i can't provide it to her... Makes me feel like a hopeless moron who doesn't know how to help his friends, after all i spent my life being the person who helps everyone, and being forgotten once they feel better but knowing that i helped them is good enough for me IDGAF if I'm forgotten if what i do is right. Someone once told me that I make myself sound righteous but no, that's not the point, sure it does make me sound better but I am the kind of person that just feels happy when I do something good, Mother Theresa's story really touched me back then and i feel that just doing good deeds without thanks makes me feel awesome too! I'm sorry Dino! I wish i could be there for you more often but I think and sleep too much!

OH and before i end off i slept 12 hours this morning! BEST FEELING EVER! If you get the chance do it people! IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE IN HEAVEN.

Haha okay time to end it off guys :P As usual here's a quote.

"A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him." - Brendan Francis

And i find this so true, maybe that's why i liked Bro North at first :) And I am in love with Dino BTW! I LOVE YOU DINO BUDDY YOU ARE MY BESTEST BEST FRIEND EVERRRRRRRRRRRR :P!!!!!

Peace out all!

Monday 28 May 2012

Stress is Underrated!

Today was a day full of ups and downs I have got to say, another special day in the life of a NP student. It started out AWESOME, i woke up at friggin 7 left house at 730 and reached school at like 840, almost the FASTEST i can EVER get to school! It shocked me like hell what's more i had to wait for like 10 mins for a bus to come at Botanic Gardens and still reach so dam fast! AWESOME START IS THE BEST!

Anyway MAEC tutorial was dam amazing, LOVED the teacher and her teaching style totally my type all the info got in so EASILY MAN! Shocking like hell, PLEASE STAY WITH US MS TAN^2, Pretty Please? :O Bleh moving on BMGT tutorial was meh fun too though and still got released early! Only trouble is MAEC group project now... Wonder if i should give in or the CJ group of three will hmmm... That's just one of the problems that popped up today! Had lunch with the other 3 Brothers of Wind and Dino today at KAP, was pretty good but i was super lazy to eat today ate dam slowly haha! Didn't talk much though me and Brother North still not doing extremely well with each other at the recovery stage but i don't blame her it's like probably my fault anyway at least we can talk now! Makes me feel more comfortable with her :)! Then after an awkward walk back to NP we sat down at 73 to do some work... Most of us at least i was listening to music and writing a story! I find that much more calming and stressing myself over studying is the last thing i want to do at that point of time I just decided to just relax and chill out, never completed the story though like i usually don't x.x but whateverrrrrrr at least i tried~!!

Spent a short amount of time with Dino today! Enjoyed it as usual, now after having that talk with the two love birds I have come to appreciate any amount of time i spend with Dino! Makes me understand how important even that short amount of time is to us as Besties :)! Hope she feels the same way though! Talked a little as i walked her to the bus stop after Bro West went for French, as i reminisced of that time where the three of us guided her to the bus stop when we first got to talk to each other, wondered as we walked there only the two of us now if i ever were to hurt her and make her walk that path alone next time due to my stupidity. Didn't bother to trouble her with my thoughts either! Talked about Dino and her BF! A bit about us and our stupidity(Mostly hers ahem ahem :D) and a lot of random things today!!!!

Watched Block B dance with Bro West today! Then watched as she taught some other school girls a dance, learnt she has extraordinary patience, noting that i can tell she would be an awesome project member as she is hardworking as hell too! Block B and I also talked a bit about Minotaurs and how much we still miss it despite not being that close at that time, I talked to her and Lingster for awhile too whilst waiting for Bro West to finish up with his French. Ended up with some small talk only though but the second best moment of the day is yet to come.

After meeting with several IBZ people, missing one bus due to Czar forgetting his laptop he and I finally got onto the bus at friggin 920, and as we made our slow trip home(Mostly standing) we talked and i really enjoyed it as we are both open and we both discussed some issues in the course as well as some of the good things that are going on as well! He also told me about BAOC stuffs alongside the Red Camp things that i was more than interested as well as thankful to learn about! We talked about some personal feelings on IBZ and ways to improve relationships too makes me really want to make him a closer friend and treasure him as a great buddy more! Needless to say he is DEFINITELY my buddy of the day! We are hopefully doing it tomorrow too! My only concern is that we don't do this more often LOL!

Kay as for the funny moment for today was when Junie said goodbye and we were talking bout how T^2 was awkward when they wanted to hug to say goodbye. Well we had that today as well! Only difference was I got to hug her instead of waving goodbye to her :D! Oh well me and junie aren't super close yet! But I am sure Korean will bring us two buds closer together :P.

Not a very long post today actually extremely tired sorry peeps! Exhaustion right now i need to wake up in like 4 hours to meet Czar at PR MRT at friggin 6 AM! But well worth it! Missing most of you pri/sec school guys now but I miss the IBZ peeps I'm close too just as much or even more sometimes when they're gone or i don't see them that often(Like Dino,T^2,Bro West and Czar atm!). Just hope we can reach a lot of our goals and make us all bonded as hell IBZ FIGHTING!

"A world with peace although supposedly perfect would be meaningless as without fights there will be no way to determine who is strong and who is weak and with peace there will be no way to show the true colours of ambitions of others and oneself." - Me

Sunday 27 May 2012


Let me just start out with this... DSS  LETS GIVE U A NICE HAND!
God dammit i hate EVERY GOD DAMN THING ABOUT THE LEARNING EXPERIENCE. Seriously what kind of FUCKING TUTOR gives us this kind of CRAP. Honestly BLEH FUCK! And while im in this raging mode FUCK HOW ALL THE DSS TUTORS ARE PROGRAMMED TO FUCKING NOT TEACH US A SHIT AND INTRODUCE SELF LEARNING, FUCK THE HOT AND COLDNESS SHE TRIES TO SHOW US FUCK DSS IN GENERAL FUCK YOU!(Im trying my best not to spout hokkien vulgarities at the moment, i apologise if you are offended :P!) MY PAIN IS LIKE BEING DONE IN THE ASS TWICE IN 1 HOUR!

Okay enough on that crapload, today was actually pretty awesome i loved the small amounts of time i spend with my parents now, cause honestly ever since i went to poly i haven't had much time with them at all, now every single time i have time it's either spent on fun or projects or both. So i was glad as hell i managed to grab some of those precious moments back. CURRY FISH HEAD AND FRIED CHICKEN FOR LUNCH HELL YEA! Then my dad helped me with DSS which still ended up being "wrong" =.= But screw that anyway. Missed my mum like hell though was thinking about her and the moments we had in my life during church made me realise how much more important she is to me than any other woman in the world ever would, I would even give up my wife for my mum I LOVE HER TO BITS! I mean sure we fight like hell but thats cause we are so close:)!

Missing my sister... Need to post her letter tomorrow if not she will kill me! Missing her really really really like crazy it's... just different when i go home to an empty bedroom without my sis...  Makes me feel lonely when i have neither of my sisters, it's like a part of me just... disappeared. She's probably enjoying herself too much in Taiwan to be thinking bout me but yea... Maybe she can feel me missing her and she's missing me too! Man i'm so craving like Taiwanese Fried Chicken now~~~~~! FEEL LIKE EATING MY GOD! And HK wanton mee omg CRAVING LA MAXXXXX! Hehe :x

Anyway back to today enjoyed my time spent online with my secondary school friends, although we may not hang around one another as often anymore we are like still close :) Hopefully anyway Spy and JW arrrrr you don't know how much i miss us hanging in school and, everything about sec 3!!!!! Dammit although i think you may not read this ever I MISS YOU GUYS KAY YOU HAVE NO FRIGGIN IDEA! Your birthday wishes meant a lot to me!!!! Just wish we had sec 3 all over again once just to enjoy it all :)!

Yet again Junie was talking to me today haha and she's cute as usual :) She was raging about DSS! But she was still the Junie i know, the one who is always trying her best! The one who is awesome in so many ways :)! Only a few friends of mine are like that and she is the total same as my Sister MY GOD LOL!

So yea Sunday no friend of day again x.x i will do it tmr although i'm already suspecting who it is :O. Anyway me and Brother West are still oovooing im blogging and he's doing the DSS slides haha hanging around silently though! Second scare he gave me today already he said like "OMG DINO DIDN'T DO...oh wait" and i almost stabbed him!!!! ROAR!

Nothing much to post about today most of the stuff happened among the family :) Like i said i really enjoyed the time together i mean last time it used to be every Sunday now it's like 2 Sundays a month i'm just scared it will eventually become no days a month when i honestly to hell miss them like crazy sometimes. LOVE YOU DAD! LOVE YOU MUM :D

Anyhow it's getting late and i should probably get back to catching some shut eye... Peace out people x.x Nothing much today IM SORRY D:!

"I think i lost my mind at that time, how could i have left you? I only love you, I miss it, I really miss it now... Forgive me my love.... I regret doing it now....Why did i lose my mind at that time?" - Lee Seung Gi, Losing My Mind

Saturday 26 May 2012

Hard times with Harder Feelings

Second post guys! Earlier in the morning now not much time before church so maybe ima keep it simple... or just shoot it all out later... Meh. We'll see how it goes.
First thing on my mind is of course projects,holy shit all the projects are starting to weigh down on me, especially DSS we ALL LOVE DSS(Decision Supplimentary Spreadsheets, AKA EXCEL!). The Problem Based Learning is a pain in the butt i don't get why NO ONE in the course has gotten an answer yet, we have been trying and trying and trying SO GOD DAMN HARD and yet...Nothing just the damn minibus staring back in our face and giggling we have like 14 more hours to submission and dashing like crazy to try to answer the question... Fuck that shit seriously, but yea i have to complete the rest of the DSS assignments totally NOT looking forward to finishing that crap in the world. The other projects are better and not as stressful but they all still have deadlines and once again DSS FUCK YOU _|_!

Had an awesome day yesterday, awoken to Dino's call asking me to go to Expo! Was super looking forward to it but then her bro decided not to go, so we ended up not going but she did say one funny thing! "Then after Expo can go your house study!" or somewhere along those lines! It was hilarious cause her BF didn't allow her to do that and i chortled for quite a bit whilst she was oblivious and we talked a little then we put down. Only minutes later she called back and i could imagine the flushed look on her embarrassed face when she told me she just spoke to her BF!(BC^3) HAHA! Oh well it was funny while it lasted, talked a little more then put down. I also got to speak to her bro for the first time and he was nice(just like she said he would be) and we had a friendly little chat for awhile too.

Moving on, in short the day at Dino's house was FANTASTIC, we lepaked, ate, talked, laughed, watched videos and really enjoyed ourselves.(Although it was supposed to be a study session x.x) But in the end we did manage to accomplish some work and i threw IBE and the Stats Project out of the window, so at least we accomplished something! Dino made a wallpaper for us two yesterday too :) Was awesome cute although she called me a gay Dino T.T But oh well. That was most of what happened yesterday that was good.

However when we went to dinner with her bro we were eating and her brother made a passing comment about how nice i was and how Dino should get together with me, we laughed about it and then i told Dino that Brother West didn't get the ASCO post and she was shocked(so was i i thought she knew) to find out the results. So she called her BF and as they talked we 3 together told him about the passing comment, and god knows bad news and jokes DO NOT mix well! WHOO! And then she talked to him later on when we got back to her house after dinner but i felt MISERABLE! Sure i mean it wasn't my fault this time but hell when your one of the involved parties it doesn't matter if it was really your fault it EATS INTO YOU and it seemed like everytime me and Dino were together we always have fun but then something always happens that bugs Brother West, I just wish it didn't keep happening, this my happiness vs their happiness thing is like bleh, and really bugging me, sure it's not always me but why does it always seem to happen when we two are alone? It gets really annoying after sometime.

Anyway after i left Dino's house after watching half of Aces go Places(HK comedy of an investigation), i was really exhausted and had lots on my mind but i still slept on the bus. When i got back to West Plaza i saw a couple of my PR buddies(or rather most of my only PR buddies) drinking and chatting so i joined them for a bit, had a bottle but as i was talking to them my mind kept floating around all the problems, still bought food back to eat(I tend to eat a lot more when I think on top of what i already usually eat which is a lot for a SG kia.). Then i thought back about the day, did i enjoy myself? Sure of course i did but why, why is it always that their relationship is bugging me? It's not really my problem is it? But I just keep getting caught in this triangle and it seems the pushing and pulling keeps happening. I don't really know but whatever it is, this thing is still bugging the hell out of me now. Honestly it's not really my problem but i keep feeling guilty whenever i see that they have problems concerning me...

No friend of the day today! Cause there wasn't any school and i only saw two people today, Dino and her bro and obviously cause Dino cant be FOTD it would be her bro! He's an awesome person hope to be able to get to know him better as time goes on, nothing wrong with having more good friends right!

On a side thought i asked Dino about her Blog Post of her future and she thought about it awhile, i also happened to think about mine too, i mean honestly what do i want to do when i grow up? What are my goals? In sec 4 my mind would be totally blank but surprisingly in a short span of only 6 months i already am planning out the rest of my life. Business wise i really want to set up an FnB joint. My sisters could help out too cause my eldest sis wants to set up and ice cream parlor and my second sis wants to help out in the cafe/restaurant too! Life-wise I just want a wife with three kids, I know how difficult it will be but yea that's the way I want it to be. I will live in a 4 room HDB the typical Singaporean flat or maybe a bit smaller but that's the biggest i would go because I really want my kids to think im not that financially rich and get them to be more thrifty and unlike me not start saving only when they hit 17, these values work much better when they are introduced to you at a tender young age. I don't need a wife that is pretty or cute or anything that has to concern with external beauty, you know what kind of wife i would really want? Someone who has the purest heart and is loving and caring, cheesy as it may sound it's true. Why would i want a beautiful wife that hurts me all the time? That was what attracted me to Brother North(a girl :P) at first, it wasn't her looks or anything like that it was her heart and her caring! Anyway i know i will spend my first years of the workforce slogging it out, just like when i was in Seafood Paradise but whatever i already know the kind of shit they throw part timers and new comers i just have to tank it out and wait for the better days to come.

Oh well Hard times with Harder Feelings, I just feel sad that whenever me and Dino are alone together we always accidentally hurt Brother West and.... sometimes i think Dad is just right, he.... just makes everything that is hard sound so true that it bugs me to bits...

Oh well my Final quote as always i keep having quotes in my head sorry guys if you guys don't like it! You can close the page or scroll past it.

"All right now, I haven't learnt my lesson well, you see you can't please everyone but is it right to please only yourself?"-Me

Peace out people :)

Friday 25 May 2012

Well my first day blogging!!!! Actually started a blogger to read my friend's blog! But im thinking what the heck anyway might as well make use of the google plus account and start blogging too haha! School really sucked today i didn't enjoy my lessons as much as i should have felt tired as freak during SnW Omfg and then i was playing against some Badminton Primary School Team played =.= But oh well its the fun that counts :) after that the coach made us do some practice thingy that involved us rallying and trying to beat the other side of the team without smashing! We lined up in two lines and then WHAM!!!!!!!!!! We started playing. The first set we were severely outclassed and got beaten by like 11 racquets to 5(Everytime we lost a point we lost a racquet and had to pass the remainder around.) But the pro guy in yellow shoes came over.(YAY!) And we won the next two rounds haha! Had Nuttella Ice Cream today too ITS THE BEST SHIT FROM BETWEEN CHAPTERS OKAY NUFF SAID!(Only second to STRAWBERRY HOUSE POUR!) Then had a fun IJ! Teacher praised  me for being an awesome storyteller WHOO!(Nana FTW as JW would say HAHA!) Cause we had to make some story for SCAMPER some creative thing that made us modify Goldilocks and the Three Bears! Our end result? Baby Bear, SilverBoy, his sister AH BENG and his brother AH LIAN! My friends can hear the story from me irl if they want to i don't wanna type it out haha! But it was funny and made a lot of the class laugh, even Christine who doesn't really like me laughed too! Made me feel awesome as hell!
*Fuck Yea Face*

Anyway preparing for next weeks 20% test on the water bottle thing have an AWESOME idea in my head now haha pray thats its super original!!!!

Well enough of school now!(Cause Korean really sucked badly =.= Regret it now D:) My pals at school were all talking about my highlighted hair! Felt awesome for all the positive feedback!!! Especially from my DINOSAUR LION PIGGY BESTIE :]! Love her to bits haha! The feeling of being completely rejuvenated due to the positive comments is awesome! Anyway the tweets i have been tweeting recently mean a lot to me. Especially the one about my outer change and my inner change as well! FUCK THAT BITCH I HAD IN SEC 2 WHOOP DI FUCKING DOO :D! Im goanna throw that memory away its not worth my time anymore, no more missing you gal. My dark side too, no matter how sadistic and demented it seems im goanna leave it at one corner! I will try to get over that like Bestie Babe said, and im sure as hell i can curb the demon inside me i've already done so many more things than that! Control bah! Listening to awesome songs now and waiting for bestie babe to reply x.x she seems so busy with so many things! Waiting to read about her relationship issue :( Hope its nothing too serious!!! Love her like my own sister would kill anyone who hurts her ANY MOTHER F-ING person.  Besides lets not go to that since i'm already on my life topic! Feeling Neutral today not too angry sad upset happy or anything much actually! On a side note i want to add in that Junie is awesome!(The JY one!!!!) She is like the best person ever to have as a classmate she pays attention and finds all the solutions to the problems we(or I actually Teehee :x!) have! One of the only normal friends i really appreciate! Didn't see Genevieve today though! Don't know how she will react to my hair! I just think shes like.... Infactuated over me PLEASE LET ME BE WRONG GOD PLEASE! Heard shes dating though, makes me feel safer just hope she doesn't really love me if not im in a whole lot of crap... Wouldn't want anyone like her having someone like me if i don't really love her! Zeh is in Taiwan now having the time of her life! Wish i could join her but hey VIETBODIA IN LESS THAN A MONTH BABY!!! Can't wait for the awesome trip :P. Thinking about friends now T^2 BC^3,JW , Spy, Shaun.... Lots of people in general miss the KC lot too... Haven't contacted them much still kind of upset over the avengers thing but meh not angry no more why stay angry? :O Only person i'm not thinking about it Tae Tae!! (Not the SNSD one haha) Tae has been an awesome friend over the years even if we haven't been that close in sec2, we are like great pals now! Feels awesome to know i have him to talk to when im down to keep me happy again gives me that sense most of the time anyway theres DINO to keep me company when i'm down! Just hope she feels the same about me! :P Bestie just sent me her blog excited and terrified to read it! Just saw the cover though looks OMG WTF AWESOME KAY! I BETTER DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SHITTY BLOG SOON MY GOSH! Haha okay sidetrackingggggggg :x! My love life and randomness aside, i shall do a friend of the day thing and no DINO BUDDY you can't be counted because you are always my BESTIE FOREVER!!! Just hope we're BFFs :P Anyhow ima end off cause im real excited to read DINO's BLOG! I really want to find out what's bugging herrrrrrrrrrr.

Friend of the Day: Junie!

I already know most people may not read it and some may eventually but yea whatever. JUNIE YOU ARE THE BEST TODAY OKAY! YOUR AN ADORABLE PALLLLLLLLLLL LOVE YOU TO BITS AS A FRIEND!!! HAHA WE TWO JOKERS IN KOREAN ><
Final note before i end my funny day event. Me and Pear trying to convince Block B to dye green hair IT WAS DAM JOKE CANNNNNNNNNNN! Laughed like siao! Okay time to go now Peace Out!

"If you regret whatever you have done in life it means you have made a tough decision and sometimes that is what makes you stronger"-Me :)