Thursday 28 June 2012

Sugar and Salt

I'm back again guys :)! Well I have been away long enough I guess! Was in Vietbodia for quite a bit and the schoolwork is tiring so not much time to blog but yea I'm doing it now anyway so DON'T COMPLAIN ROAR! :P I will talk about today 1st cause I'm like all confused now and stuff and I just want to talk about it.

Today was a good day actually, I woke up to learn my sis was doing a photoshoot and YAY my eldest sis is back so happy ^.^ Okay off topic but she sent me to school and I reached class on time even though I thought I would be late :O! Dino was late for class though, and she said she overslept like hell~~ Typical Dino :) Then we went to have lunch where we laughed it out with my IBES group, surprisingly I enjoyed the time with them, the guys are awesome and hope to have Pear and Jamie in our class next term! :) One bad thing happened today though, cause most of the time when I am doing projects, I don't enjoy sitting at the sidelines and love to be working, but Dino and I had a misunderstanding today, and me being stupid decided to confront her and tell her about it. Turned out to be a bad decision, she looked really unhappy about it and still seemed to be angry with me. Sure when we said our goodbyes she smiled to reassure me but... Sometimes I just don't know what is wrong with myself...

Let's start with Vietbodia then! The day before we left, Dino came to stay over with Bel :)! We picked Dino up early and had lunch, she was forced to eat some food by my parents, :x hehe typical them, and then I gave her tips on how to avoid eating more at my table xP! Later on we walked around a little and got to talk to one another, I really enjoy those times cause I can really talk about myself and be myself, sometimes society just wants people to be the picture perfect person and that really takes a toll on people! Then she came over to my house, watched lots of Mr Bean live! He was hilarious! Retardedly funny but yea :)! He brings a smile to lots of faces! Then Dino and I talked a little too and laughed and took stupid pictures passing time is fun as hell with her! Then we ate dinner which was awesome CRAB AGAIN HAHA! But this time Dino peeled and ate more :O haha but yea that day was great. We watched Indiana Jones but she looked bored because it was so slow!!! But yea, halfway Bro West came! And we completed the movie. Went out for some provision shopping and then played a LoL match with Bel! Slept late as hell but I didn't give a crap.

Woke up early without an alarm, didn't know how I did that but yea, Dino played with my hair as I lay there, that made me think about how she used to run her fingers through my hair too.. and also of my sis that I thought I wouldn't see in forever. But I just lay there and thought about all the times my sis used to do that to me as I lay there enjoying the gentleness of her fingers as they ran against my scalp. Then I dreamed a little, and got up to change.

Then we got to the airport, the usual pictures, fun and laughter with stupid jokes, I honestly thought I would spend a lot of time with only Dino at Vietbodia, I was right to a certain extent but I made 5 new friends there, I will never forget. We at mac at the airpork, yes airpork :P and then headed back. When we boarded the aircraft I had to leave T^2 :( I was sad cause I wanted to sit next to him but yea~~~ Then sat next to Dino and her bf! Didn't talk much to her I pretty much did eveything by myself and talked to her a little, and before I knew it, we landed.

When we got out of the airport, I couldn't believe we were there, besides the smell there, the heat and breeze still feels pretty much the same, I couldn't tell the difference. Then the buses came and we got the better bus HAHA! And in my heart, the better tour guide. Lucky was an awesome guy who I came to love and respect in only 2 days with him, he had a wonderful personality! Then we headed for the Killing Fields. It started to spark inside me again, the dark side started poking out at me and the only way I could stop myself from smiling when I heard the sadisticness was chewing my gum. But I still quelled it, the starvation of the demon and then a sudden snack, even the slightest seemed to bring it up but in my eternal struggle I still reign supreme. I prayed when we had a little free time, thanking god for letting me control myself and then praying for all the people who suffered under their own countrymen hands.

The next place we went to made me hit my limit for the day. The genocide museum made Christine tear and she was unable to take it but no matter how sad it was, how unhumane it was it just... affected me. I subdued  the animal again, but all I saw brought back memories and then Keith asked me to stop chewing so hard, after I told him why I was doing so he gave a curt nod and told me to not make it too obvious, surprised though, even after he is so unemotional, he actually gives a crap about me more than most of the blind super emotional people. Thank god the suffering(definitely not the same as others) ended quickly and I got back on the bus to a more cheery lunch and shopping spree. Saw sunglasses and I was SO TEMPTED, cause after every holiday I always, ALWAYS buy shades. But managed to subdue the urge. Was finding matchsticks for Perry and GE but didn't find any... Sorry peeps :(

After that we had a rest and slacked in the Dino's room for awhile, found out what Dino and Bro West do sometimes, finally understood them going to bath :O! Then we went out off to a restaurant to eat, we walked there :)! Okay food in Cambodia, I did NOT enjoy at all :P Just being truthful. Went out to the supermarket and saw the insane prices, 20 dollars for a bottle of vodka, 60 cents for a can of beer and the most insane of all 50 cents for TWO toothbrushes WHAT THE HELL, we bought some drinks to play drinking game and then paid and talked a lot of rubbish. Then at night went back to my room with TT and Dino and we talked a little. Then I got called out for a "survey". And got initiated into the brotherhood! :) But after that awesome moment I got heartbroken, I went back to the room to find out that Dino had told TT my phone passcode, I was devastated cause it mattered a lot to me that only she knew, she just didn't know it. I can remember her prompting me "Dyl Dyl, I'm sorry..." said it like three times, then I heard what she said to Brother West and I couldn't take it already, I told them politely to leave and then went to take a bath slowly. At that point in time I was so upset... But then when I lay in bed, I could smell the "Dino" scent on the bed where she laid, and I remembered all the times at her house. I just couldn't convince myself to stay angry at my bestie for long! :) So i decided to forgive her.

Woke up the next day and saw her at breakfast, I gave her a smile and she asked if I was angry, I remembered replying "There's no point being angry cause you already told him, so it's okay", not the best of lines to indicate forgiveness but I showed it with a very sincere smile, and her eyes glowed once more with life, the very same eyes I loved to see my Bestie have back then, now and probably forever :)! Love you Dino<3. Then we went to Cambodian Brewery, I found out I enjoyed neither the beer nor the trip too much but yea it was a worthwhile trip and experience though... Ate lunch at some seafood restaurant and Sucker and I spotted a cockroach and spent most of lunch trying to catch it... Failed though :( Damn smart insects! Then we headed off for the Phnom Penh Township... It was FREAKING awesome DAMN NICE LA, one house costs less than my HDB =.= Freaking hell feel dam pissed but only people working there, or people who are Cambodian or married to Cambodians can buy a house DAM JEALOUS. Then we went to SL Garment and Processing, I didn't enjoy it much although the clothes making was awesome, interesting and innovative. Why you may ask? IT WAS LIKE THEY WERE STALKING US LAAAA! Everywhere got a guy with a camera filming us... taking us... stalking us. DAM WHAT LA! Anyway after that was networking dinner. At first dam boring and Bel complained to me cause I told him not to call people over. THANK GOD I DID THAT! Phillip came to our table, was very serious at first and ate quite a bit, went over what he did for a living, advertising that was quite intriguing, but then he got a call and said "My friends asking me to go drink with them la!" Immediately we clicked after that! He was awesome, talked about SG food and how he missed it,(I did too when I finally came back) and most of all drinking. We were all laughing about it and Bel jokingly asked him "Eh where to drink in Cambodia?" His reply... pure awesomeness. "I'll go get a map."  Almost immediately my table burst out laughing as he went out to really get a map, when he returned I pulled out a pen and he started giving us directions as we giggled away. Then went back to teach mass dance to people and went to Dino's room to slack and prepare for going out. But as luck might have it some people in the other class heard and as we went over to the other room for awhile, they said that we shouldn't go, it's dangerous blah blah blah. And in the end since it was quite late we decided not to go. But we played the drinking game and Sucker got drunk, can't ever forget his stupid phrases la. "Let's go buy a tutu and dance." "I hate Ang Kor man never drinking it again, I rather drink Tau Huey Zhui." Laughed like hell at his misfortune, then slept and sweated hell a lot of cold sweat to clear the alcohol thank god.

Then we had the trip to the university, climbed up FREAKING a lot of stairs la PLEASE, then headed into a small room, had a brief intro, split us up into groups and then sent us to classrooms, my class was doing POA so I wasn't listening to the teacher, instead I was listening to the host exchange student, William and Pear discussing about their countries environment, transport e.t.c. Learnt a lot from there! Then we watched performances and the highlight of all of them? Rosamund singing FULL FREAKING STOP. No fight haha! Then we tried some local Kueh and danced mass dance, haha it was fun. Then we took freaking forever to reach Vietnam by bus and somemore we got stuck at customs =.= Enjoyed the ride though, talked and karoked with Chuan Jun. KPOP WHOO. Then watched the world go pass and saw how lucky I was compared to so many Cambodians. Fell asleep and yea. When we reached Vietnam WHOO MAN OH MAN VIETNAM WAS AWESOME BABY! Hit the road running with Pho 2000 BEST DAM SOUP NOODLES EVER FREAKING HELL P-E-R-I-O-D. Loved it haha. Then went to talk in Dino's room awhile and she refused to bath I remember as she lazied around. Then she decided to change. Bathed into her room and I freaking forgot she was there and took off my shirt outside my room, her reaction was like I DID NOT SEE THAT LOL! Okay nvm about that. Then Bro West came back and Dino thought she heard her Aunty Pearl call her name, so she was scared, when Bel went out for awhile, I prayed with her, I felt her hands trembling as I held them and I held them reassuringly and prayed slowly and calmly for her sake. I hope that made her feel better I have no idea but yea that's all I did. Then it was good night for me.

Day 4 in Vietnam, we hit the ground running, Kinderworld saw the international school one world JEALOUS I wish I could have been in such a kindergarten/Pri school/Sec School but NO 0 regrets for my poly man I LOVE MY COURSE PEEPS :D! Then we performed for them again, again the highlight was Rosamund and Ashlie! Ashlie was harmonising during the performance and did one too many "Youuuuuu" harmonising and that made us giggle but the performance was still very good. Then we went for lunch and went to the Phu My Hung Township, this one wasn't as majestic but was MUCH more well planned. Then headed for Crescent Mall and Shopped for Provisions. Found out chocolate in Vietnam dam cui LOL so didn't get any! Then saw Bel fail at doing a baby frieze and LAUGHED LIKE HELL the whole damn bus laughed like crazy when his cap fell off the bridge into the water. Then on the bus since Ashlie was last we played a sing and stop game, I got caught after 6-7 tries but whatever, enjoyed the singing I did there. :D Then we reached the water puppet show, the show itself was not bad but oh my god after it... "HEY! HO! XIN CHAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" in damn high voices like the actors. We even sang boom boom pow in that voice and we laughed like mad. Then we ate the best meal in the whole trip in my opinion. GOD DAMN FREAKING RICE PAPER WITH EVERYTHING AND FISH SAUCE AWESOME PURE AWESOMENESS SERIOUSLY! Ate and ate and ate and ate and ate. DINO CAN TESTIFY, 3 BOWLS OF NOODLES, AND ALMOST ALL THE DESSERT AND FREAKING HALF THE FRIED RICE! WHEEEEEEEEEE.Went back and then we headed for the skybar in normal clothes, only to find out... It was atas =.= So we had to go back and change and get back there. Enjoyed the view up there, really like MBS view except a bit nicer maybe, drinks price cost like SG bar prices =.= so yea. Only ordered a cocktail, and met Slackssociates there, in their full glory. Talked to them for a long time cause Dino and Bro West went to have a talk and even after they left, They weren't done yet, so yea waited for a LONG TIME. And they finally came back, they had Baskin Robins while I asked Dino what was wrong, found out and kept mum about the problems. Then we headed back to slack, probably the most eventful day!

Day 5 in Vietnam, went to Aquarious, they were awesome hosts, explored the company, heard the Singapore Owners talk to us and enjoyed it throughly, the kueh? Not so much... Then headed for lunch, the food by then was going down hill again although it was still edible! We went to a French Restaurant and I had Beef Bolognese, I got to try Czar and Xav's Clams though tasted good, the pasta was good to but took ONE FREAKING HOUR to come so yea. Felt weird cause I was sitting at a more of a TZ02 side and they were calling Slacker Club the Judges, I felt that some of the people calling them Judges were also judgemental people and they had no right to call other people that. Then we went for the worst Business trip to Viet Dragon Securities, almost slept there honestly! We got to go to the Notredame Cathedral and the General Post office! Took some cool photos at the Post Office cause my imagination and MIB haha and then we explored around before leaving. We went to slack at the hotel for a long time and then I went with Dino and Dion yes, Dino and Dion no typo, to the night market and we bargained like HELL or rather I did :x hehe THEY HATE ME YES THEY DO xP! OH YEA THE FUNNIEST THING EVER! Cause Dino wanted a shirt that costs 140000 dong and she said it's the cheapest in the market already, when we went to the other side, we saw the same shirt, so Dion asked for the price, it was 350000 and Dion said 120000, she said 290000 but we didn't care and walked away, you know what? She ran to us to chase us, lowering the price until finally it became 120000. Then Dion said he didn't want it then she started screaming. "YOU RAZY YOU RAZY YOU ASK FOR 120 I SAY OKAY THEN YOU SAY DON'T WANT YOU RAZY GO HOME!" and then the mass laughter ensued. Marcus jioed me for drinking game when we were slacking but I said NO! Then we played werewolf drinking game and we laughed like hell cause we were all so sneaky leaky :P! Then we went to sleep after that cause we were so damn tired.

Day 6 in Vietnam, went for the best workout ever at Cu Chi Tunnel, had an awesome pick up line made there, "Phu My Hung in your Cu Chi Tunnel and make you say Oi Choi Oi" we laughed like crap over it. Anyway there were traps there and I was explaining it a little too enthusiastically to Brian and he was like "Why you know so much ah?" I didn't know how to reply so just smiled. Then we walked the tunnels, the 1st 100m was fun then we went for round 2 150m, BEST 150M I DID EVER LOVED IT HAHA! Came out tired but had an awesome experience. Ate tapioca dipped in peanuts and salt was awesome <3. Loved it like hell :P then we slept on the bus and then ate lunch. Went to slack in the room with Keith for the whole time and CJ and Daryl came over for awhile as we lepaked! Then we headed to the Cruise Ship to eat, food was meh but we made Ms Linda Ng cry cause of our touching birthday gifts to her :)! So sweet love her to bits now ><! Then we headed back, I was supposed to surprise Pear but Keith wasn't feeling too well so I took care of him, then I got jioed to play drinking game with Slacker Club, I thought I would only drink awhile but ended up staying 3 hours. Drank like 10~13 cups lidat of Vodka Mix but didn't get knocked out, Zach died 1st, Will and Ash didn't play, SPY and JY kept smoking with William's friend and Marc has horrible alcohol tolerence haha, was singing "So what we smoke weed? So what we get drunk? We just having fun!" Blah blah blah haha he was dam funny, thought they all left so I went back to sleep.

Last day in Vietnam was okay. We went to the Reunification Palace and the War Remnants Museum, wasn't super exciting or boring... Just neutral so meh.... Then I saw Dino and Bel were having problems but didn't say much. Had a lot of fun shopping with Jamie during the last minute shopping! SHE IS TOTALLY LIKE DINO COPY OH MY GOD IM SO SCARED I WILL BE HER BESTIE TOO I WILL D-I-E! But yea talked to her a lot and laughed quite a bit :3! Then when we were at the airport, Dino and Bel fought very obviously, and I remembered a dream I dreamt, I shall not repeat it here for privacy sake but it ended with them breaking up and I remembered seeing a lot of the things, I have a knack for dreaming some future stuffs but I hope to hell even now I'm wrong. We had a HTHT after they finished talking and we talked about our problems, then she smiled after we finished making me feel as if I at least helped cause she asked what to do about the relationship, I told her Try Harder. And they did on the plane it was so lovely and cute to see them and she was so high. Although the Plane got delayed we hit SG at almost the same time as estimated and Zeh sent Czar home and then I got back. I made Maggie and Nuggets to eat and then slept. 

The next few days of school I talk about it later on bah! As for the first part of today's blog post, I settled with Dino already! We had an oovoo chat to clear any doubts and problems and realised how much we meant to one another as friends! Love her to bits still! DINO HEART YOU! :D I will always be Mama Dino and she is Baby Dino HAHA! 

As always a quote.

"This is for the people with a hole in their heart but still live on, cause one day someone will come by and patch it and show you love again." - Me

Peace out peeps :D

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