Saturday 9 June 2012

Days gone Past, Days that Last :)

SORRY DINO HAHA just wanted to put it out that i was supposed to be blogging more often :x didn't manage to!!!! Haven't touched my blog in a long time actually :( wish i did :)! But yea again i apologise for that x.x

I have quite a lot to say today so yea let's get the ball rolling. :D

Today was an awexome day, started out great called somebody like 10+ times before Belson woke up and woke the sleeping beauty awake from her slumber :)! Don't blame you, YOU SLEPT LATE OKAY!!!! 3 :P DONT ASK ME HOW I KNOW :DDDD. Then i took the bus thought i would be super late cause i like missed one 151 today =.= but in the end even after waiting like 10 mins at the bus stop i reached school 10 mins early :O SHOCK-ED(sorry goanna use this metaphor quite a bit cause of something i will explain later :P) then saw the hardworking course people doing their Chinese Dance for the University peeps at CamNam. Got to say it is EXCEPTIONAL plus they look like they are enjoying the performance a plus point :))! Practiced mass dance after that with them since Sahana couldn't make it I was practicing with Valerie, she was enthusiastic and that combined with the not super difficult dance made the experience enjoyable SERVES YOU RIGHT SLACK CLUB PEEPS NEVER COME TO BOND AND ENJOY!!!!!!

Haha anyway while some of them slacked me and Dion went to the back to practice Shock while Dino watched us, I totally regret volunteering for the KPop dance now it is like totally SUPER TIRING to practice and learn but meh whatever I WILL PERSEVERE! Managed to catch the 1st 30 secs so far :) progress on my part already haha! Just 1 min plus more to go since it's only until after the 1st chorus :O! My dancing skills aren't that good so it will take time i just have a good memory! Helped Dino a little too cause she was a little worried about the dance at first! But it worked out well in the end and she learnt how to do it :D Hurray!!! Anyhow after that we filmed us dancing for the other course peeps to learn how to do it! So they have no excuses!!! Ate mac after that the criss cut fries is GOOD OKAY what taste like normal fries? Mr IRuvTaeNy/ MU MU ZI CHE GAN Marcus, CHEAT MY FEELINGS SIA!

Went to Chinatown after that to let Dino buy some of her toiletries :) Cheap sia everything there!@@ now i get why my mum gets a lot of stuff from there! Got a Deo with the help of Dino :P Stronger than the ones i usually use but meh it's okay :D Then we headed for dinner there, Dino couldn't decide what to eat so she told me to get whatever I was getting for her... MISTAKE ON MY PART D:. I got her Zha Jiang Mian and omg the one there is like totally not that good, REGRET LIKE SIAO EH! But in the end we both finished it and it's like SUPER FILLING LA! No wonder all the Chinese people who eat these kinds of things daily are so full, the amount is so small but it fills like crazy!! After sitting down and talking about life for quite a bit, me and Dino then went to walk around, actually wanted to walk around Chinatown at first, almost decided to walk back into People's Plaza, THANK GOD WE DIDN'T! We first headed into Central, saw this enclosure with seats that was quite cool and funky smelling! Sherr spammed lots of photos just like the previous day when we went out!(will get to that later!) And showed me what Bro West was eating and commented on how the food he was eating looked okay even though he said it tasted like crap! Bro West said hi to me so i told her to HI him  back :DDDD! LOL! Anyway we headed out of central and boy do i miss the scene so much. Clarke Quay still looks as fascinating as it did the 1st time I saw it, and still has that majesty and splendor that makes it uniquely Clarke Quay. Enjoyed the scenery there and sat by the riverside with Dino and we talked quite a bit more snapped some photos and then proceeded to walk along the river.

We sang songs as we walked and admired the beauty of the world around us. I missed singing so much, i didn't do it much after i got depressed but now since i got over it i seem to be more willing to pick up on all the awesome things i did before i got sad for that DOAB in sec 2! No regrets at all though, Dino's voice is good :) although i was just croaking along cause i suck at singing. :x Anyhow we walked quite a bit talked about life and whats not(I don't really want to put what we were talking about here, most of it is random and you guys may like lose your mind cause of our retardedness LOL!), and some close to heart stuff to. She told me that she thinks her bro likes me more than Bro West, I don't know whether thats a good thing for me or not... And her bro talking about me being an in-law and how much he would like it and so on. Felt a bit weird and all but yea, I guess being a nice guy does have it's benefits, realising how much people seem to appreciate me more and more as the level of education goes up and how people start liking the nice guys more and more as i grow up, maybe it's cause some of the nice guys give up after awhile and start being asses.... But nah i will never give up being a nice guy. That makes me who I am! :)

Then like the previous day we took purple line back home! She looked so tired :((( I felt quite bad for making her stay out so late and not having the rest!( I will return you a favour somehow babe ><) But she didn't rest on the MRT and continued talking to me!! And then that pretty much sums up my day today. It was wonderful and I loved it a lot. I told Dino how the holidays were living up to my expectations and it was fun as hell and I'm glad that she enjoys the time we spend together as much as i enjoy it too :)! I was really afraid at the beginning of the friendship that i would be too weird, too noisy or too something but me just being me is just what she wants and her just being her is just what i want too! That's why we are Dino Besties :)

The day before was good as well! Ate Korean BBQ with parents had like a freakload of food seriously, the Korean Family next to us was like gawking at our table cause we 3 ate as much as they 5 were having and maybe even slightly more LOL! Plus i still ate rice, i cannot eat meat without rice one, i will just eat less meat x.x.  PS FOR THE BENG TALK LATE AT NIGHT AND LAZY SIA so maybe i will talk like this....

After that waited for Dino inside the MRT at Somerset, didn't wait that long, only 2 hours :)! Used to it already, nothing can beat CHS Marcus so nothing can surprise me now! She was really sorry and she said she would treat me Ice-Cream YAY DINO :D! We ate takoyaki and then went to find stuff! In the end although we were both looking for formal wear for VietBodia in general, she got two pairs of shoes, one of the pairs was a gorgeous pair of heels la, omg it looked great on her :) She should really wear dresses and heels more often! SHE LOOKS GREAT WITH THOSE ON! That reminds me today when we were talking about our schools she said she used to pin her pinafore(Or however you spell it HAH) like a tomboy and how when she went back to band that day her junior was like "WA YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL!" Haha yea Dino you do look great when you are feminine :)! Honestly! Got a short sleeve shirt that i plan to use as an outer jacket more than as a shirt! And finally WHITE JEANS! I asked my parents for ages to get it for me but i finally had to get it myself, no regrets there!Happy to finally have it actually! Dino helped me to pick out the shirt though :) I wouldn't have got it if she hadn't pointed it out! After that we went for dinner at Astons, saw Emer my god i miss him sia dam long never talk to him le!!!! MISS YOU EMER BRO WILL JIO YOU TO GO OUT TALK ONE DAY! And she gave me and Dino the "you two couple bro?" look, the second time that day since Dino's friend already saw us like earlier that day! Was hilarious to see the shock on his face though :)! Ate slow like hell 1st time ever i never finish my food completely at Astons, just lazy to. Found out that Bro South had been there like only an hour ago, MAYBE EVEN SITTING WHERE I WAS SITTING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD with Ben somemore hell sia regret could have went earlier :(! But we went out of the wrong exit at Dhoby and yada yada yada but WHATEVER WE HAD FUN HAHA! Oh yea since we got out at the wrong exit, we were at PS got to eat Chippy again, deep fried friggin Mars Bars, twice in three days INDULGENCE MUCH? HAHA. Anyway that pretty much sums up the day yesterday! Sorry guys don't really like to add personal convo much inside! :( The only thing i want to comment about our talking is that Dino said Bel treats me as her friend, not his friend but yea nevermind that I'm long used to things like that i still treat him as a bro whether he likes it or not and some things i just don't want to care about anyway.

Moving back a couple of days, after the CT on wed me and TT were like stoning so we decided to go jio the iMedia peeps out! Oh and Dino thought there was something wrong with me on that day when there really wasn't just felt funny that she thought something was honestly wrong when nothing much happened :P! Spent a relaxing bus ride to Bishan while playing Tap Tap!( MISS TAP TAP MANNNNN) And then meeting HE for a bit first. Saw Esmond too! Miss him man Esmond you one of my favourie juniors of all time seriously, the only one who listens and really respects me as a senior :)! I mean sure we always joke around but yea you really made my sec 4 iMedia Life much better! Then we stalked around J8 a lil before Marc came and we wrecked havoc LOL! TT got a new phone and is like dam happy with it now :)! Glad he likes it hope he doesn't throw it around like he did with his old phone :D! Then Marc went for tuition and we stoned for quite a bit before we finally decided to call BAWS and head to AMK to catch MIB3 and man do i not regret it! The papers said there was too little action and too much plot, i agree about the plot part but i felt it was very well planned and emotional and Will Smith still acts as well as he used to way back when! Action was also decent enjoyed it :D! Oh yea suddenly remembered Dino doesn't like Chocolate Milk!!!! Moving on from the randomness, after that Marc, TT and I wanted to eat Astons.... Then we saw the long Q at Cathay after we got there from AMK and guess what we ate..? KFC! Marc's fav! We could have had it at AMK but Meh whatever! Then I ate my DF Mars Bars :P! LOVE IT LOTS! And Marc sat down to talk to Jer while I oovoo chatted Dino and kept dcing cause of my no connection due to Starhub issues and the dam Wireless@SG disconnecting so DAMN often! Headed back later on with Marc and found out i got merit award YES! MONEY IS MONEY! IDGAF IF I HAS SOME MONEY :P! Not much emotional stuff here, we CHS people together have dead emotions, pretty much besides the day being awesome and all, i enjoyed talking to jer for a bit cause he is so much like Marc and I am sure we will click well if I were in CJC too! :)

Thursday was awesome as well, I had fun presenting to the class and purposely making mistakes WAHAHA! :D And seeing how the class woke up after my presentation was good showing that at least i can present half decently when it's fun and intrigueing :)! Bel told Dino that I looked like i enjoyed talking about the tortures part too much :O Maybe i was but WHO CARES it was fun looking at the grimacing faces of the course people! Faxing at public places was misread on purpose! Bet you people know how that goes :X and yea went on to quite an ovation after that showing how people actually listened :)! Made my day really!!! The other presenters were good! Tan Ying was scared but she presented well, Dion shined like hell too, Kit Yee was okay! Ben knew how to talk a load and think of a lot of last minute things! Shows his skill at it, and the rest of the presenters were great too! Cj and Christine weren't that extraordinary though! Could have been better :( But oh well :D! At least they tried! After all that we had a briefing which was dull and then I went to accompany Dino to Pasir Ris MRT! At least that was the plan... Oh yea before I forget, Dino and Brother West kissed mouth to mouth and it was CUTE LOL! Bryan and Alan were like EWWW but i was like AWWWWWWW SO SWEET HAHA! Back to the topic, I eventually went with Dino to find Mint sauce and Ground Mint! And oh my god you have no idea how hard it is to find =.= Cold storage didn't have either, NTUC had the sauce but NTUC Finest had like Mint so her Godma improvised! And i got invited over to her Godma's house and got to taste good food NO REGRETS :D! Her Godsis is cute too, she kept talking non-stop and she is not shy at all and outspoken :) Will benefit her lots next time she just doesn't know it yet! Ate Lamb Racks, Prawns, Spanish Rice and ate Ice-Cream for Dessert! Also managed to take a couple of swings of beer, both a light and heavy one, was a little disappointed though, didn't taste as good my fav one :((( Oh well it was good anyway! Special mentions to the Pumpkin Soup which i really enjoyed :D! Got to talk to her aunt and gave her some of my political views on SG, her aunt was impressed and said i was knowledgeable, haha i just shrugged it off, whatever my knowledge actually is, it can all be found on the net! :) She says I am like more Politically conscious i don't find that unique now in a society such as ours!!! I feel CJ is pretty good at talking about it too! :) Went home quite late an had my dinner at home as supper! Was good too! Dino and her Bro were talking about his relationship issues while they headed back but i decided not to get involved! :( I better not be since i don't know his gf! Don't want to lose a friend over it!

Anyway CT wise, Stats i feel okay about it hope i do well! MAEC not so much but fuck it Machiam Almost Everything Cheem sia MAEC sian. As Daryl would say SUCKER! HAHA

Friend of the days would have to be Dino really no fight at all, she has been the one making it so fun for me for the last few days, weeks and two months at school honestly! Wouldn't enjoy school without her :)! Although i said i would never put her there cause it's obvious i just want to reiterate the point HAH!

And finally since it's so late and i'm really super tired i shall end with a quote.

"And between now and then till I see you again I'll be loving you... LOVE ME!"- Singer who i forgot his name HAHA

and another quote.

"Love is more complicated that it sounds, you can love a friend, love a best friend, love a lover and love a family in the same and different way depending on how you decide to do it" - ME :D


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