Thursday 30 August 2012

Cry Cry

Hey guys!

Blogging from my phone cause I feel a need to just got over a super emotional event my grand uncle just passed away, im sure most of you may have lost a relative before for those of you who haven't let me give you a glimpse of what happens. Firstly either you will be with the person when he goes or you are not, depending on what is the situation you can either be not affected much or grieving from the start, I was lucky enough to feel nothing at first I thought I had taught myself to be ignorant to the loss of a family member. How wrong I was, first it started bugging me then it started to eat into me slowly it consumed every part of me. I was lost inside my emotions of sadness, anger and disappointment. Sad that I didn't get to know him more and appreciate him early only fond memories of recent times and things long ago are led embedded in my mind. Angry because I feel I was foolish to not think about it earlier and made myself believe the cup could pass me by. And disappointed at my stupidity and my belief that I wouldn't be affected. I finally understand that death can come I am afraid. My parents can leave too I created a facade for myself that people could last forever but they just left physically and we may see them again in this lifetime. But my grand uncle, father Joseph Tan weill never be seen on earth again. I hope I will see him in heaven if I get there but I will miss him dearly. Going back to the subject, I realised that I can lose my family, my friends to death. I dont want to lose Dino, RKS, wen, spy, Shaun and every single one of my friends. Now that may sound naive but I really don't care. I know they might leave at some point in time but now I will learn to cherish every moment that much more happy or sad, angry or disappointed because ultimately you will only have these memories to cling on to when they leave. But some people I can't even beat to lose them physically but they have to leave sometimes I am not that naive. But now I learnt that everyone in my life suddenly means that much more! I will cherish all you peeps more :) love you guys!

On track with my love life! My sister said that now it is still a honeymoon period for Dino and I but I believe we will get through longer than just this honeymoon. One year from now I know we will laugh at our stupidity either because of us doubting ourselves or because of it not working out. I am hope the latter isn't the case but Dino and I are trying to make it last! So it will I am sure :) lastly end with a quote.

A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.Martin Luther King, Jr.
In remembrance of a great man, Father Jospeh Tan a hero, a family person and a priest who has touched the lives of many.

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